Friday, October 7, 2011

Fun Class: G for Goat!

This was the second lesson of letter "G", the first lesson was on "grapes". I normally give her 2 lessons on a letter and one lesson per week.
After Greeting Song, I let her label the pictures on letter "G". I let her take the pictures from a bag and paste on the letter paper in the first lesson, and let her label the pictures in second lesson.

She would spell out the word and pronounce it before pasting the label.
I let her listen to phonics song on letter "G", as I had downloaded all the phonics songs into my IPhone, she had been listening to the songs and quite familiar with the songs.
I told her we are learning G for Goat that day, and prompted her for the word:

The arts craft for this lesson was a puppet story on the 3 billy goats, a pretty fun story for her. First, she coloured the puppets of billy goats and troll (a new word she learned).

For younger toddler, do not expect them to colour all the items nicely themselves, some help would be needed and I would help her to touch up the colouring.

Note: do buy those crayons which are soft and easy to colour, as young toddlers are still learning the hands grasping skill, they would not like those hard crayons or colour pencil. I bought my crayons from Daiso at $2 only.
Here is the finished product:

After the puppets were done, I used it to tell her the story of "3 Billy Goats and a Troll", the story given by Jann was a bit too long, I did not follow it but tell my own story. Generally it was about the 3 goats trying to cross the bridge where the stroll was living under. Put a little exaggerated expression while telling the story and you should get a very good result :)
As usual, we sang the closing song, and Chloe gave me a hug and said "thank you mummy!" to end the lesson.

The lesson plan:
1) Greeting Song, click here
2) Introduce phonics of G, sing phonics song of G
3) Let the kids label the pictures of objects starting with G done in previous lesson
4) Prompting
5) Tell the kid today we're learning G for Goat
6) Art craft on the goats and troll puppet
7) Summary
8) Closing song


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Learn By The Fun Way!

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