Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Fun Class - K for Kettle

We started the lesson after singing the greeting song. I've uploaded a video of Chloe singing the greeting song, do check it out!
We listened to the phonics sound of "K" and the phonics song, that went like this:
"Kings and Kangaroos, k, k, k.... k is the sound of K!"
(If you are not familiar with the phonics sound of A-Z, you may click here)

She pointed at the words when we sang the phonics song.

After introducing letter K, she traced the letter on a paper.

She would then picked the pictures of object spelled after K from an envelop, and pasted them on the paper.

She would name the pictures before pasting on the paper, and I would ask her question "K for?" and she would answer me "K for kettle" and etc.

She coloured the phonics sheet with the picture of a "King" and "Kangaroo".

Nowadays she got the habit of scribbling, she told me she was writing "kangaroo", can you figure out what was she writing?

The craft work for this lesson would be pasting the aluminum foil on the picture of a kettle. The materials were:

I helped her put the glue and she pasted the aluminum on the paper by herself. I helped her touch up the work and it looked like this after completion:

I prompted her to spell the word "kettle"

The closing song for this lesson was "Polly Put the Kettle On". Here was the lyrics:
"Polly put the kettle on x3
We'll all have tea
Suki take it off again x3
They've all gone away"

Chloe said "Thank you" to me to end the lesson.

P.s. she likes to call me "Teacher mummy" nowadays, it all started when there was once she asked me "You Teacher Maria (her weekend enrichment class teacher)?" and I said "No", she then said "you teacher Mummy?" Ha, I'd since got another title from her.

The lesson plan:
1) Greeting Song, click here
2) Introduce letter K, kid traces capital and small letter K
3) Kid listens to phonics sound and song of K
4) Kid takes pictures of object starting with letter K, names and pastes the pictures on an A4 paper.
5) Prompting
6) Colour the phonics sheet
7) Craft work on "Kettle"
8) Summary
9) Closing song

Development age: 2 years 8 mths
(every kid learns on his or her own pace, this is just a milestone of my girl as a guideline)

I attended my phonics lesson for mummies here.

List of my fun classes:
1) A for Ant
2) A for Apple
3) B for Bubbles and Bear
4) C for Crocodile
5) C for Cake
6) D for Duck and Dog
7) E for Egg and Elephant
8) F for Frog
9) F for Fish
10) G for Goat
11) H for Horse
12) H for House
13) I for Insect
14) I for Indian
15) J for Jelly
16) J for Jack-in-the-box
17) K for Kettle


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Learn By The Fun Way!

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